
Jeffrel Caabay...More Than "JUST AMAZING"

by - 3:38 AM


He is my bestfriend, my boyfriend, my knight in shining armor, my kikay mate, my partner in crime, my loverboy, movie buddy, coffee partner, shopping buddy, lamon partner, my worst critic and my #1 fan...
He is my one and only LOVE, my destiny, my soulmate, my true love, my LIFE & my everything...
He loved me despite my flaws. i love him soooo much! I know somedayhe'll be the first person i'll see when I wake up & he'll be the last person i'll be with before I sleep...
when summer comes, we'll be excited to start the day by watching the sunrise...it will be romantic to watch the sunset while holding each other's hand and walking along the beach...
there will be a lot of smart converstaions while having the best coffee in our garden...
i can't imagine sharing my life with anybody else...life will only be meaningful if i can share it with him on a lifetime basis...
i love you so much JEFF!!!

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