Father's Day
Last Sunday was father's day. For the past 24 years of my life, I haven't experience celebrating this special day. I never get the chance to know my dad. I never really feel that something was missing in my life primarily because my mom has played her role very well, both as a mother and a father. I cannot say anything bad about my mom. She raised us well. She is a woman of strength and my source of inspiration. But still there were so many questions that up to now remains unsolved. Maybe time will come where I can find answers to my questions, probably 5 years from now, perhaps a decade after, maybe not anymore. I have to admit that I have buried a lot of pain in my heart. I never ask for my dad, not even knowing his full name and where he stays. I never miss him during special occassions. How can I missed someone I never experienced being with? I never long for a father figure. But everytime I see dads providing things for their children, dads who would do anything for their family, a family oriented father that would give up everything (vices included) for their love ones, I wonder why my dad wasn't like that. How can very few fathers be responsible and so many be nasty to their family?Last Sunday was a very special day for fathers all over the world. But for a person like me who doesn't know what a FATHER really is, it's just an ordinary day...