
Snow White Premier

by - 4:36 PM

Snow White Premier

It was actually my first time to attend an advance movie screening and everything turned out good except the heavy rains that made it difficult to reach my work place. The event was attended by hundreds of co-bloggers sponsored by Skin White and Nuffnang. The movie contained almost 90% of the classic fairy tale except for some twist that made the story more interesting. The plot and setting was fine and I felt like I was really in the old era. Their costumes are really nice and the characters are all great. To be honest, the stepmother of Snow White is so beautiful! Very classy and can represent the "Woman of the world" image. Someone who is not just gorgeous but was able to surpass a lot of trials in life. A strong willed woman who always gets what she wants because of perseverance. But what do we expect for villains in the movie? Of course they have to be defeated. Overall, I find the movie amazing but somehow felt that Snow White and the huntsman's love story is yet to bloom. Maybe in a sequel, we'll see!

with my good friend Gwen

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