Top 5 People Of My Year 2010
Top 5 People Of My Year 2010
This article may be a bit late but I'll post it anyway. These are the people who inspired me and made my 2010 meaningful and colorful. They are my inspiration and my source of strength.
She may not know it but I really idolize her. I was inspired by her story. When she was growing up, she had a lot of insecurities. Even when she became a commercial model, she was aware of her flaws but she embraced all her imperfections. From her I realized that being contented and thankful for what you have is the key to happiness. You have to love yourself, accept your impurities, and soon you will be comfortable with yourself. I love her and everything about her! I was inspired to create a blog after I have read her blogspot.
4. Terence Gile

I met Terence almost 2 years ago when I started with Convergys. He was my best boy bud and my inuman buddy. He was there during my darkest days and always gave me advices. Thanks dude and congratulations to you and Ikang!
3. Joseph Duenas
My 2010 was colorful because of this guy. We met each other on the 1st of January 2010. He is the major reason why 2010 was full of happiness. Along the way, we encountered trials and obstacles that put our relationship into a test. One big storm is finally over but there are a lot more to come. I know we can make it and I want the whole world to see how challenges made our relationship stronger. Haters and b*tches will do everything to ruin what we have right now but we don't give a sh*t!
2. Zachery Wynn Duenas
Wynn is the greatest gift that I received. He is my life and my inspiration. I want to be the best mother for her. I love you Wynn! Mwuah!
1. Marites Soriano
My mom will always be my biggest idol. She raised us well and gave us everything life has to offer. Everyone has the ability to hurt and to leave me but I am happy to know that my mom will always be there for me. I hope to be a good mother to my son just like her. I love you mama! I miss you! See you soon!