
The Birth Of My Angel

by - 3:21 AM

The Birth Of My Angel

I always admire mothers who are very caring about their children. My perception of motherhood before is full of hardships and challenges. I never thought that sleepless nights will be this fun. Carrying him in my womb for nine months is both exciting and difficult at the same time. My activities were limited and gaining weight were just some of the problems I have to deal with. Labor pains were the worst pain ever! After more than 12 hours, my doctor finally decided to do a caesarian section because my cervix would not dilate. It was around 3:30 P.M. when I first saw my angel. Zachery Wynn looks so cute as the nurse held him in her arms. Being a full time mom is the most fulfilling job I ever had and having Wynn in my life is the happiest moment ever. I so love you Wynn!

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