Memories These tickets are the only things left from that 6 year relationship. The 1st concert that we've seen was Mariah Carey's Charm bracelet tour held in November 16, 2003. Since I am Mariah Carey's number 1 fan, we also watched Mariah's movie entitled Wisegirls and that was March 26, 2004. I wanted to get rid of every memory and moments that we had. But I can't let go of these two tickets because it was very memorable to me and if you are a fan, I'm sure you will understand where I am coming from. How I wish that I can completely erase all our memories. I wish my memory can be washed out by heavy rains. But I can't...I am not hoping for a 2nd chance nor do I wish for us to be friends. I am craving for peace of mind. I wish to have the happiness that I well deserved. This heartache is synonymous to thyphoon Ondoy. Hopes and dreams were taken in just a snap. I was left empty handed. I was almost lifeless, and though I was not literally in mud, everything was in mess. This is the biggest storm that hit me...My entire well being is still in a state of calamity...