
Embracing God's Gifts

by - 3:20 AM

Embracing God's Gifts

Most often than not, when we are given just a simple problem, we felt that it was the end of the world. We felt that we are worthless & incapable of doing great things. The other day while I'm in the office, one of my friend was holding a book by Bo Sanchez entitled Don't Worry Be Happy. Just to kill boredom, I tried to scan the pages and wasn't really expecting that one article can really touch my heart. It was indeed very inspiring. One of the articles was about Jessica Cox, a Fil-Am who was born without arms. If you were in her place I'm sure that you'd feel helpless and maybe you can't perform activities of daily living alone. But Jessica was simply amazing. She did not allow her disability to ruin her inner self. You'll be surprise to know that she can put contact lens, she can drive, play the piano, and text using her feet. And if I remember it right she's also a black belter in taekwando Amazing right? And to top it off she was named the first pilot with no arms. When I read this I felt creepy and scared. But when I finally saw the video I was amaze, not just because she can perform all the activities with no arms at all, but more importantly I admire her faith to God and strength to overcome her fears and to do things that not even normal individuals can do. Funny how we complain of simple muscle cramps when there are people who doesn't even have legs or arms. Moral of the story is to be contented and thankful for all our blessings. We should not ask for things that we don't have but instead we should embrace things that we have. It was one of the stories that I would surely treasure and would want to tell to a lot of people so that they can feel how special and lucky they were. There maybe a lot of trials but being physically healthy is incomparable to any gem. God, I thank you for giving me all my senses. I felt really lucky that I was born without any physical defects and serious illness.

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