
What Is H1N1?

by - 10:56 PM

What Is H1N1?

Adding to the burden of the worldwide recession & economic crisis is a health problem that affects the entire nation. Influenza Type A (H1N1) is now spreading very fast to different countries. A lot were already affected by the disease that all started in Mexico and there are some who's life was taken by this dreaded flu. I think its was 2 weeks ago when H1N1 spread in the Philippines. Of course everyone was paranoid but unlike SARS, H1N1 can be cured. I have an article taken from the net to further explain this disease.

*Influenza A virus subtype H1N1, also known as A(H1N1), is a subtype of influenza virus A and the most common cause of influenza (flu) in humans. Some strains of H1N1 are endemic in humans, including the strain(s) responsible for the 1918 flu pandemic which killed 50-100 million people worldwide. Less virulent H1N1 strains still exist in the wild today, worldwide, causing a small fraction of all influenza-like illness and a large fraction of all seasonal influenza. H1N1 strains caused roughly half of all flu infections in 2006. Other strains of H1N1 are endemic in pigs (swine influenza) and in birds (avian influenza).

In March, April and May 2009, thousands of laboratory-confirmed infections and a number of deaths were caused by an outbreak of a new strain of H1N1.

*Article taken from WIKIPEDIA.COM.

Early this morning, I decided to have my shot of flu vaccine. At least I have a sort of armor & I know that I will not be easily affected by flu. It's not the typical flu that we know. It can take millions of life so be very careful. So have your shot now. Remember that prevention is better than cure...Cliche but it's true.

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