Mark Your Milestone
Mark Your Milestone
Happy birthday, hot chick! As you blow out your candles this year, take a moment to think about where you are in your life & where you want to be. Remember: the world is yours for taking.
AGE: 20-25
Learn To The Max.
Abby Wilner & Catherine Stocker, authors of The Quarterlifer's Companion, confirm that "the twenties are fun, yes, but people need to realize it is okay to experience anxiety & even depression." Acknowledge that your frivolous college lifestyle might not exactly work for you anymore, but know that you're also at the best time to learn how to deal with the realities of life. Make the most of your tender twenties.
AGE: 26-30
Know The Plan.
The Philippine census marks 27 as today's average marrying age. And, some early entrepreneur have breached the millionaire mark by 28. So, take a step back & clarify your plans. If you're still slugging it out with Mr. Right Now, start thinking about the one who you'd want to spend the rest of your life with. If you're climbing up the career ladder, determine how far you'd like to make it. Dream big, but learn how to focus.
AGE: 30-35
Figure Out The Heart.
You've reached the big 3-0. Life is starting to slow down from your 20s, and somehow, tequila has lost its magical appeal. And, the pace seems steadier than your pressure-filed late 20s. In the early 30s, take time to strengthen your support network & reconnect. Since you're craving for purpose, indulging in your spiritual side & spending time with people who matter most can do you wonders. Move forward with a cause.
Embrace Your Experiences.
Your years of experience have left you wiser, and you should be able to have enough chutzpah to strike opportunities while the iron is hot. Does a business venture sound profitable? Go for it while you can. Is a late-but-perfect Prince Charming showing potential? Go or him if your gut says he's right for you. You now have the leverage to be in control of not only your finances, but also your relationships. Stride confidently; wisdom & experience are on your side.
*This article is taken from Cosmopolitan 2009 Date Book