
I'm Turning 26 & I Am Still Single

by - 12:49 AM


I am turning 26 this September and I am still single. When I say single I am pertaining to a non-married life. I am in a relationship of five years but I don't know why I haven't even thought of getting married yet. Lately I have been invited to weddings of my friends who's age more or less are the same with me. I've been hearing news that some of my school mates got married. I've seen them in friendster wearing their wedding gown. I asked myself, "Nagmamadali ba sila?" or "Ako yung nahuhuli na?"I really don't feel pressured to get married although by this point in time marriage should have crossed my mind. When I was in early twenties, I told myself that I wanted to have my first baby at the age of 24, not necessarily that I have to be married. Honestly I can see myself with kids but not married.

I don't have anything against marriage. But marriage is a big responsibility. Argue with me but getting married is not only about fabulous wedding, the perfect gown or the perfect wedding shoes. Marriage is a lifetime commitment. At my age, I don't think I am responsible enough to open this new chapter in my life. I still want to enjoy my single hood. I don't know when I will say "I Do". Most probably when I find the reason to get married, when the time is right and when "Mr. Right" sweeps me off my feet. Soon I'll get there but I am not in a hurry. Maybe 5-6 years more of single life. I love being single and I want to enjoy every moment of it!

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