
Happy 1st Birthday To My Blog!

by - 3:43 AM


It's amazing how time flies. I was looking at my post and I realized it has been a year since I started blogging. But how did I started with this blogging thingy? Let's trace the history.
I always wanted to be a writer. I have written a lot of poems and short stories way back in high school but I never have the guts to share it with anyone. It was Bianca Gonzalez who inspired me to blog. She writes so well! She was the one who brought out the writer in me. When I saw her blog a year ago, I fell in love with her works and decided to have my own. I was moved by her blog. Thanks Miss Bianca!
The reason why I started blogging is to have an outlet of emotions. Extremes of emotions can be overwhelming and i felt that i needed someone to let it all out. But a person can't be with you 24/7 but a blog can. I can write at 3 in the morning without disturbing anyone. So in short my blog also acts as my shock absorber.
Another reason is that I wanted to inspire other people. Through my works I hope to touch many lives. I wished my blog can encourage others to write just like what Bianca did to me. I wanted to brighten up the day of those who are reading my online diary.
It's nice to write and I'm so happy and fulfilled doing all this writings. There are a lot of things that I wanted to share with you guys via this so called blog. Happy 1st birthady to my blog! And many more blog years to come! Cheers!

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