
Goodbye To Regrets And Bitterness. Hello To Ultimate Happiness!

by - 12:42 AM


I've been through a lot. I have made decisions that made others think that I was smart. And yet there were also things I've done that made them conclude that I was stupid. Before every time I commit mistakes, I felt so bad. I felt bitter for the things (and even persons) that have hurt me. In my mind I always wanted to have revenge. I regret doing things that did not have a positive outcome.

But let me tell you this guys. Life is so short to have regrets. Things happen for a reason, whether it is good or bad. I've learned that we should never allow regrets to be the center of our life. Even if we did the wrong thing, at least in the process we learned something new. Instead of having regrets, I think it is better if we charged everything to experience. Learn from it. Weep for our lost. Scream. Get mad. But never be stuck in that chapter of your life. Stand up and keep moving. Don't be bitter
F O R E V E R. I know it's hard not to be bitter specially if something or someone have deeply wounded our hearts.

We might be thinking that bitterness destroys our enemies. But in real life, it is bitterness that destroys us. Hatred eats us from the inside until it gets the best out of us. As we remain bitter, the more poison we inject to our bloodstream which silently kills our whole being. It's okay to get mad but anger should know its boundaries. If everyday our bitterness and hatred increase, then I don't think we are practicing a healthy lifestyle. Our goal should be to lessen the bitterness that we feel as days go by.

It's hard to move on. But there's no better way to do it but to keep moving forward. Imagine yourself in a journey and the car that you are into moves backward instead of moving forward. Will you ever reach your destination? I don't think so. The same principle applies to our life. If we let regrets and bitterness to pull us backward, we will never arrive in a place called happiness.

I'm letting go of all the regrets and bitterness that I have in my heart and I'm looking forward to being happy. From now on, I'll try my best to practice a regret free and bitter free life. See you guys in the land of happiness. Enjoy your journey!

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