
Lessons In Life That I Would Teach To My Kids

by - 3:20 AM


~Enjoy your childhood, walk in the rain, run nude in the beach, play with mud, blow bubbles, don’t be afraid to stain your clothes with chocolates, watch cartoons, sing the nursery rhymes, read fairy tales. When you grow up you’ll feel awkward doing all this things.

~Try to balance school works with extra curricular activities. Study hard but once in a while have a break and put on the party shoes. Those who study very hard end up being the most intelligent in class, but those who have social life become street-smart. You’re not a student for life so you need not memorize everything. But as grow older the more you should be street-smart. So learn to socialize and interact with others. It will help you to make instant connection with people and will help you in decision making which you can use later in life.

~Travel & discover the world’s wonder.

~Read, read and read. Aside from the knowledge that you’ll gain, it will improve your grammar and spelling.

~It’s nice to be alive. You just have to deal with whatever life has to offer you.

~When applying for a job, keep in mind that the one who was interviewing you was once in your position so relax, you’ll land a job soon!

~Never curse or make major decisions when you’re mad. Chances are 99% of what you said is not what you mean. It can make others feel bad & surely you’ll regret having said those awful words.

~Don’t be afraid to dream. Fulfillment of dreams all started from formulating them. If you don’t dream, what else is the reason of your existence? Dream big, aim high, work hard, know what you want in life, set your goals and in due time you’ll be harvesting a sweet fruit called success.

~Heartbreaks are part of our lives. It’s okay to cry and be disappointed but never be afraid lo love again. Remember that even the prettiest girls in Hollywood were once dumped in their life.

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