Not Your Ordinary pinKIKAY Girl
First impression of people around me would be "kikay". Actually kikay would be an understatement. I'm really into make up, especially blush on. I have a huge collection ranging from the conventional powder type blush, cream blush which i really love, and liquid blush that will give your cheeks an instant glow. I love fashion! fashion tv, fashion magazines...I guess that's the reason why most people will think that i'm just a typical kikay girl who's capacity is limited to that "pa tweetums effect".
But think again. I'm a full pledge kikay girl but behind that ka-kikayan is a functional mind. I'm a person who has a strong mind set. I know what I want and I know how to achieve them. I dream big, and I work at my best. Being a kikay is not an excused for not excelling. Not all kikay girls are brainless . Think of Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde...kikay but she graduated in harvard...with flying colors!!!that's the kikay power equiped with brilliant mind.