Missing My Best Friend

by - 8:59 PM

Missing My Best friend

My blog has always been my outlet of emotions. Whether I'm happy or sad, my blog has always been my better half. I'll consider my blog to be my best friend since this page was always the 1st one to know the feelings that I have. Honestly a lot of exciting and happy moments happened in my life. I met a lot of cool peeps and had the chance to really enjoy their company. I felt so sad not being able to blog and share with you guys the things that I've been through lately. Hay!!! I hate not being able to update this blog especially the highlights and twists of those events. Someday I'll share it with you guys...

Anyway, I've come up with a conclusion that there are more b*tches and assh*oles out there than real people. This judgment is based from experience. I can talk about this topic and the conversation will go a long way. But let's not concentrate on that thought alone, it's not worth my time.

Honestly I don't know what to write in this blog. I felt that something is stopping me from writing and posting what I wanted to post here. And that pisses me off. Because this is my page. I can write whatever I want to put here. Losers out there out you go!!! This is my page! If you don't love this blog then why do you keep on reading? Got yah there b*tch!

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